The Sri Lankan stilt fishermen concentrated in the shallow waters of the southwest coast are distributed along the coast from Galle to Mirissa, and are famous for the small town of Kogler.

1. The origin of stilt fishermen is said to be because fishermen cannot afford fishing boats to go out to sea, and there are many small sardines along the southern coast of Lanka, so fishermen basically waded to the wooden stakes soaked in sea water, climbed up, and then Sitting on a rudimentary wooden stand, set up a fishing rod and fish. Their goal is to swim in a large number of sardines in the shallow waters, and sometimes with luck, fish will be hooked every minute. What is even more amazing is that their fishing rods have no bait, no wonder they are called "the world is cattle way of fishing".

2. Status Quo There are not many stilt fishermen now, and more of them are stage shots with a performance nature.